

CASHIER requested. Minimum experience of 2 years is required. LOCATION: East London 1. RESPONSIBILITIES – Accurate sales processing – Reception and reception of money. – Customer inquiries – Money collection 2. THEORY, TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Cashier/Assistant: It is used to capture all purchases in the system (sales in cash or charge to account), as well as their receipt. Must be able to problem solve when a problem occurs. They should know who to contact and where to find them. This must be done quickly as people may be waiting at the checkout. Preferably, you should never be allowed to process Refunds on your own until now. This role should fall to a superior person or manager. Must be fully bilingual and able to relate to customers in a firm yet friendly manner. The Store Assistant or Front Shop must have a solid understanding of the layout of the store/pharmacy as well as the products sold. You must be responsible for the money in your box and float. Email your CV to: Operations@sondelani.co.za

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